If you’ve recently had sex and your period is late, it may be time to take a pregnancy test. A late period is usually the first sign of pregnancy, but you can have a change in your menstrual cycle for several reasons.

Most healthcare professionals recommend waiting until the first day after your missed period before testing, but a positive test may still not be enough information. Find out why.

How Does a Pregnancy Test Work?

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins producing a pregnancy hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). As soon as the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, hCG begins building rapidly, eventually entering her urine and bloodstream.

Most healthcare providers use urine pregnancy tests. If hCG is detected in your urine, you may be pregnant. We offer free and confidential pregnancy tests at Pee Dee Pregnancy Resource Center. Come to Pee Dee PRC if you’re testing for the first time or need to retest.

Can I Use an At-Home Pregnancy Test?

Pregnancy tests you buy at a pharmacy or drug store are reliable. However, it is essential to carefully follow the instructions so you don’t get a false positive result. Here are the steps the Cleveland Clinic recommends:

  • Make sure the test has not expired.
  • Read the instructions thoroughly before beginning the test.
  • Wait until the first day after your missed period before testing.
  • Take the test in the morning when your urine is most concentrated.
  • Check the test result after the recommended amount of time.
  • Retest in 3 to 5 days to see if you get the same results.

The Test is Positive, Now What?

Believe it or not, it is possible to get a positive test result and no longer be pregnant. Experts estimate as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Depending on when you test, you could get the wrong result because it takes a woman’s body time to return to pre-pregnancy hormone levels.

We recommend you get an ultrasound. Ultrasound detects if your pregnancy is developing or if you have had a miscarriage. It also determines how far along you are and if the location of your pregnancy is correct.

How Can Pee Dee PRC Help Me?

In addition to receiving a free and confidential pregnancy test, talk to a Pee Dee team member about getting a referral for a free and confidential limited OB ultrasound. We want you to have as much information as possible about your pregnancy.

Stress, rapid weight gain or loss, increased exercise, and a hormonal imbalance can all cause a change in your menstrual cycle. Make an appointment at Pee Dee for a free and confidential pregnancy test.

We can discuss your situation and help you find the answers you need. We’re here for you.