What is Adoption Like?

Receive Financial Aid

If you choose adoption, the adoption agency will financially come alongside you to make sure you have everything you need for your prenatal and postpartum care. According to American Adoptions, “These expenses are designed to supplement other income, and can help with items such as maternity clothing, medical bills, transportation to doctor’s visits, food, housing, etc.”

Your prenatal appointments, and labor and delivery costs will be completely covered, as well as any postpartum appointments you will need.

It’s Your Decision to Make

A pregnancy decision, including adoption, is up to you to make! Don’t let anyone ever make you feel pressured into a decision. You have the final say.

Adoption has changed drastically over the years, empowering women to make every decision along the way–including who the adoptive parents are, and how much contact you will have with them or your child in the future. You will also get to choose who is in the delivery room with you, and when the baby will go home with the new family.

You can choose from three adoption plans: open, closed, or semi-open adoption. There is no pressure or time limit on when you have to choose. You can choose in the first week or last week of pregnancy to place your baby for adoption.

If you have not yet signed any documents, you can change your mind and choose at the hospital that you want to keep your child. Legally you have to wait 72 hours after your baby is born to sign the papers and finalize your decision.

Get More Clarity

Still have questions about adoption? Or maybe you’re going back and forth between your pregnancy options. Our supportive team is here for you and can help you answer your pregnancy questions. Schedule a no-cost options consultation today for support.

You are not alone in your pregnancy journey.