The vision for our center is to be a resource for women who are experiencing life that hasn’t quite turned out the way it looks in the movies or on TV and who just want to find a place where someone will listen.

We desire to be the place where we take every opportunity to use our life experiences and be examples as we build relationships and do life together with every person that comes through the doors of the center.

Our Earn While You Learn Program offers women and men an introduction to the milestones of Pregnancy and Parenting as well as Life Skills. Through each appointment, whether it is a class or just time to talk, there is an opportunity for you to ask questions about yourself and your roles as parents.

We come alongside those facing pregnancy in offering an opportunity to earn Baby Bucks and receive necessary material items. Baby Bucks are exchanged for items displayed in our Baby Boutique.

Empowering, Equipping, and Supporting individuals as they make healthy choices for life will provide a foundation for the future of Richmond County.

Make An Appointment

Contact us today to make an appointment to learn what’s next for you in your pregnancy journey. You are not alone!

Our center’s commitment is to share hope, encouragement, and compassion—no matter what you are facing.